Chef de Chemin de Fer Paul John Emmert, Sr.
Paul John Emmert, Sr. was born in Huntington, West Virginia, and grew up in Ashley (Wilkes-Barre), Pennsylvania. He attended King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, and followed this up by joining the Army in July of 1990.
During his military career, Paul was stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia, Kitzingen, Germany, and Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland. Upon the completion of his tour at Ft. Meade, he was Honorably Discharged in November 1996.
Paul’s military honors include the Army Service Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal with two knots, the Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Army Achievement Medal.
Since being discharged, Paul has been a Cyber Security contractor to various elements within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, and is currently employed by General Dynamics IT (GDIT).
Paul joined Carroll Post #31 American Legion, and soon thereafter was elected to two consecutive terms as Commander, from 2014-2016. In addition, Paul served as the Post Historian, Acting 2nd Vice Commander, 1st Vice Commander, three years as a Post Executive Committee member, two years as Post Judge Advocate, and two years as a Department Executive Committee (DEC) member. Paul was awarded an Honorary Life Membership from Carroll Post #31 in 2019, based on his work and dedication to the organization and their mission.
Based on his dedication and passion within the American Legion, Paul was invited to join Voiture Locale 155 of La Société, and was wrecked soon thereafter. Since joining the Forty and Eight, Paul has served in almost all positions at the Locale level, including three years as the Chef de Gare. Within the Grande the offices he has held include that of Grande Directeur for Youth Sports, Sous Chef de Train (West), Chef de Train (West), Senior Chef de Train, three years as the Grand Chef de Gare (2017-2020), and most recently as the Grand Medecin. At the Nationale level, Paul served as a Sous Directeur POW/MIA Nationale (Northeast), Cheminot Nationale (Alt.), Cheminot Nationale, Nationale Sous Directeur Membership, Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer (2022), and most recently served for two years as the Directeur of the National Box Car Association (NBCA).
Paul was presented with an Honorary Life Membership from Frederick-Carroll VL155 in 2020 for his work in the Locale. Grande, and Nationale elements of La Société.
Paul is also a member of La Société’s Mid-Atlantic Association, where he previously served as the Madame President. His other associations include the Germany 40&8ers Association, where he previously served as Madame President, the Catholic War Veterans Post #2016, the 29th Division Association, and he is also a Commissioned Kentucky Colonel.
Paul is the proud husband for the past 33 years to his wife, Christine, and he is the father of two children, Kaitlyn, 28, and Paul John II, 25.
Chef de Chemin de Fer Emmert resides in Westminster, Maryland.

Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer Lonnie Haynes
My name is Lonnie Haynes and I served in the U.S. Army from October 2, 1986 to August 24, 1994. After basic training, other specialized training I served as a Communication System Operator for the Patriot Missile System and deployed during Desert Storm.
My father asked, I joined La Societe Voiture 746 Grand du Michigan in 1996. I have served my Voiture Locale in every office to include Chef de Gare. I have held all of the line offices at the Grand level to include Grand Chef de Gare in 2019-21. Great Lakes Promenade Vice President 2022-23 and President 2023-24. I am currently serving my Grand as Special Awards Directeur for the last 10 years. At the National level I have served, Cheminot Nationale 2021-22, Sous Directeur Special Awards 2014-16, Garde de La Porte 2020-21 and Box Car 2022--24.
I started as member of the Sons of American Legion and then following my service I joined the Legion. I am an active 30 year member of The American Legion Post 491 and a Life Member where I have head numerus offices including Post Commander, twice as my dad did. I currently serve on the Executive Committee. I’m also a life member of VFW. I also followed my dad and joined the Leslie Fire Department where dad served as volunteer fireman 40 years for the Leslie Fire Department
I am married to my lovely wife and partner Carrie a member of Cabane 997 and Grande Correspondante of the Grande MI. We reside in our hometown of Leslie MI in the Haynes family home.
I look forward to working with the membership committee, and the Grand Voitures and Voiture Locales.

Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer Robert Hickey
My Name is Robert (Bob) Hickey. I was born in Brockton, Massachusetts, however I was raised in St Petersburg, Florida, from 6 months old. I was in the Merchant Marines before joining the United States Marine Corps in 1970 for 23 years.
I have been married for 51 years to my lovely wife Cindy Hickey, we have 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
After retiring from the Marine Corps, I returned to Massachusetts for a period of time. I later moved to North Carolina where I retired from being a college professor. Upon my wife retiring we made Greensboro our forever home.
I have enjoyed being a member of the Forty & Eight for many years. I have advanced my way through the chairs in the Locale, Grande and Nationale. It has been very rewarding and I have not only learned many of our programs and activities, but the most amazing experience was my position as Nurses Training Directeur Nationale.
It is now my pleasure to serve as your Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer for 2024 – 2025.
Semper Fi

Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer Ralph Turner
I was born October 26, 1964, in North Carolina. I grew up in a small town of Carthage until I was around twelve years old when we moved to Warsaw, Indiana. Two weeks After I graduated high school I enlisted in the US Army as an Engineer. I served a little over 20 years that included various positions such as a Team Leader, Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, Operations Sergeant, Observer Controller/Trainer, and Drill Sergeant. After retiring from the Army, I almost immediately started working as an Army civilian at the US Army Engineer School developing training. I will retire In October (2024) and enjoy life as grandpa.
In 1995 I was wrecked into the 40/8 . This is where I met my wife. She was in charge of making the PGs “pretty”. We have now been married over 26 years and have eight children (1 boy/7 girls) and 19 grandchildren (11 boys/8 girls).
I have served at the Locale level as Commissaire Intendant, Chef de Train, Chef de Gare, and Directeur of all the programs. At the Grande level I have served as various officers including Grand Chef de Gare, Grand Chef de Train, Grand Commissaire Intendant and various other programs. At the National level I have served as Sous Directeur Box Car, Sous Directeur Carville Star, Sous Conducteur National 2021, and Secretary/Treasurer Nurses Training.
I am a Paid Up for Life Voyageur, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Legionnaire. I have served American Legion Post 331 in most of the offices including Commander, 1st and 2nd Vice, and Finance. I am also a member of the Disabled American Veterans and the Army Engineer Association.
I am deeply grateful and extremely honored, and I look forward to working with my fellow voyageurs as the Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer.

Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer Nick Weyers
Nick Weyers joins the leadership team of La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux as a Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer in 2024. His contributions come on the heels of successful terms as Chef de Gare of Grande du Kansas, of “The Great v58” in Wichita, KS, and the Sous Directeur of the Youth Sports program.
Nick joined the United States Army Reserves in 1999, while still in high school. He served eight years in the Army Reserves including two mobilizations and one deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. While in the Army Reserves Nick completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Kansas in 2006. Since graduating, he’s been involved in civilian flight testing as a flight test engineer, production test pilot, and experimental test pilot. He’s currently an experimental test pilot at the Bombardier Flight Test Center in Wichita, KS flying Learjets, Challengers, and Global Expresses as well as spending time looking out of the windows of a 1986 Mooney.
Nick joined his first veteran’s organization within months of returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom and has dedicated much of his time ever since to building bonds and furthering veterans causes. While volunteering at the local VFW post in 2017, his sponsor introduced him to the 40&8, which rapidly became his passion. Service to the community and organization of La Societe provides the comradeship that he’s missed since departing the military in 2007. Nick is honored, humbled, and enthusiastic about serving the community, Voyageurs, Dames, families, and friends in this role as Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer. Nick believes in fostering a culture that values open communication and building bridges.